It’s official! Introducing the newly-appointed manager of Tapestry Craft… yours truly. I’m feeling good about the new challenges and a little stressed about the responsibilities, but mostly I’m just stoked about the nice raise. I’ve gone from making 50% of my Epson salary to now making 70%. Hey, at least it’s going in the right direction now, huh?
15 responses to “Tooting my own horn”
You go girl!
You can start by telling me the yardage of a 200g ball of Bendigo Woolen Mills “Rustic” in 8 ply(If you have your sample card handy)-I’m away from home and wondering how much more yarn in contrasting colours I’ll need to buy to make an intarsia vest(I can work that part out on my own though!).
You’ll be a great manager!
I’m ever so proud! xoxo
You are such a ROCK STAR!!!!
And yeah, the money is not as good, but hey you have a soul at the and of they day, right?
Amy! I’m serious! Do you have you Bendigo Sample Card handy?
I’ve got one! Super Manager to the rescue! Rustic 8-ply has 400 meters to the 200g ball.
Congrats, that’s fantastic — much speedier (and merit-related!) career progression than your old, to-remain-unnamed London employer allowed… Very cool!!
Thanks Super Manager! You’ll no doubt get a book out of your stories!
Congratulations! That’s terrific. I’ll have to stop into the store sometime. . . Heh.
congrats! now go work that employee discount! 😉
yippee for you!
aw damn, i just found my sample card. i’d make a crappy manager….
How did I miss this?? Congrats, Kris – awesome news!!
Congratulations! Now we know who to take our complaints to. Heh heh.