Amy! Check it out: Lynn Truss, who wrote Eats, Shoots & Leaves, is coming to Sydney! She’s appearing at a Literary Lunch on the 31st. Can you make it? Total grammar geek fest!
Amy! Check it out: Lynn Truss, who wrote Eats, Shoots & Leaves, is coming to Sydney! She’s appearing at a Literary Lunch on the 31st. Can you make it? Total grammar geek fest!
August 21, 2004 — 8:18 am
Hehe.. I’m a proud owner of that book as well 😉
Kris, I’m sure you agree… I need it. Hehe
August 21, 2004 — 9:25 am
ooh, ooh, I wanna go! But the middle of the day on a tuesday. hmmm. let me see if she is going to be anywhere else….
(goes off to look up her dates)
ah, lookie! she is going to be at Gleebooks on Monday the 30th in the evening. Interested?
August 21, 2004 — 5:52 pm
Definitely! I’ll talk to you about it tonight.