The Greatest Care Package EVER.
Friday was randomly super-duper busy at work and I was just having a complete crapper of an afternoon. All my customers were rude and stupid and irritating. I was hanging on to the last shred of patience when Losh walked by and announced that I had a package. “Another package for me?” It was, at long last, the mythical Little Debbie Care Package from my cousin Jenny. And just like that, my day turned around. Is this not the best box you’ve ever seen? Boston Creme Pies, Fudge Rounds, Star Crunch, Zebra Cakes, Oatmeal Creme Pies, Swiss Cake Rolls, and two boes of Nutty Bars (my favorite)! Not to mention Golden Grahams, Bisquik, and 500 tablets of ibuprofen. My co-workers couldn’t decide what was more amazing: that I actually wanted this crap; that judging by the price stickers, the whole lot cost about $20; or that Jenny actually spent $70 to ship it airmail. All I can say is thank you. You probably saved more than one life that afternoon. And now I must go eat another Nutty Bar. (Don’t bother asking me about the diet. It’s officially shot.)
13 responses to “The greatest care package EVER.”
Hey, did you get the peeps?
STar Crunch AND Zebra cakes? WOW. I’m really impressed.
(good one about the Peeps mom)
I forgot to tell you, but Dad was hard-core about the Boston Creme Pies. He wanted me to be sure to tell you that you’d probably like those the best. Feel free to lie. ๐
Actually I’ve never had the Boston Cremes before, so it’ll be an experiment. ๐
And Amy, she wasn’t lying! Mom’s sending us Halloween Peeps. But if they don’t get eaten at the party, I’m going to throw them in the garden for the birds or something!
Too funny! I think I still have some Peeps from last year if you want a pack of back up Peeps….
Ooooh, are peeps the ones that are little dots on a peice of paper? I also remembered how you were talking about tootsie rolls and penny candy, and I remembered that I brought a couple of tootsie rolls at a specialty lolly shop and they were ace! Oh gosh, candy!!! My favorite thing about American food is the nutritonal labels.
You’re obsessed with the dots on the paper! ๐ No, Peeps are the squashy marshmallow covered in sugar. I’ve actually never had the dots on paper in my life (other than when Amy gave me some last year, I think). They must be regional.
I frickin love the dots on paper.
Mmmm. I love the Halloween peeps. And the chocolate-covered marshmallow pumpkins.
My sister had some Easter peeps left over, and over the weekend she opened them and they were still squishy and good. We gave one to her infant daughter who lurved them with the pure and t00by lurve only my sister and I are capable of. ๐
Reporting: Mom came through with pumpkin and ghost Peeps. The masses will rejoice this Saturday.
I’d like to update that Clinton and I found US-style Halloween pumpkins in Penrif and we’re going to carve it! I’m thinking it might have a “Jolly Swagman” type theme, or should we just go the traditional triangle style face?
Yay! So glad you’re going to do it. That last one I carved was in London a few years ago. Here’s a pic.
did I tell that the zebra cakes lasted about 10 seconds. But we did wait till we got home to enhale them…..:)