For those of you wanting to watch at home, our ceremony will probably take place this Saturday evening (Vegas-time). This means it’ll be Sunday morning for the Aussies. We’ll post the details about 24 hours beforehand once everything is confirmed. And don’t worry; they archive the video for a month so you can always sleep in and watch it later. 🙂
8 responses to “The Wedding Show”
Have a good one you two
Many congrats again! I’ll actually *be* in Vegas time for a change — wonder if my mom will mind if I skip her birthday party to tune into your nuptials?
Woo!! Vegas, baby!
cool! we will celebratory brekkie SUnday morning. most excellent.
I am speechless and so happy for you two! Congratulations and I will definitely be tuning in to see the whole thing!
whats the site again?
It’s linked on the home page, up on the right hand side.
Best of luck Guys. We’ll be watching.