Comment Spam Vigilante

The comment spam is really, really pissing me off. I’m happy in that I’ve succeeded in keeping it from showing up on the site, but I still growl every time I log in and find I’ve got 400 pending spam comments to delete. I’ve just coded in my latest grenade in this escalating war: a limit on the number of links per comment. Let me know if any of you legitimate users bump into it. (I don’t think you will.) Is there some way I could show this crap to Google and just, you know, have them remove comment spammers’ links from their index? Because that would rule.

3 thoughts on “Comment Spam Vigilante”

  1. I actually took my blog down Sunday because I couldn’t stop the spam comments. 🙁 Over a time period of 3 hours I received 8000 comments with links to various gambling sites. I’ve had one or two over the past year or so but Sunday was out of control. I don’t think my site means anything to anyone but me so I don’t see why someone would go through the trouble to do that, crazy.

  2. I’m not sure what I can do to stop it from happening again yet. I’m going to check out the forum for wordpress and see if there are any suggests for combating the problem. I may try turning off commenting on my old post and/or reviewing the comments before they are posted. I don’t think I’ve pissed anyone off and the traffic on my site is light at best so no one would really see the spammers work. So I don’t see why anyone would want to do it accept to be annoying. 🙁

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