A Man and his Barbie
The Snook and I took advantage of the post-Christmas sales today to do some “manly” shopping. (It was manly both in our no-nonsense approach and the type of items we bought.) First stop was DJ’s to cash in our wedding gift vouchers for some new knives. The Snook had his heart set on Global, so that’s what we got: the roast slicer, the vegetable knife, and the 10cm paring spear. Then we headed to Barbeques Galore to finally fulfill the great Aussie dream of owning our own barbie. We ended up with the Billabong model. Here’s the Snook grilling our inaugural round of snags. Of course, we also threw some prawns (i.e. shrimp) on later. They were delicious. (And I don’t even like seafood!) So now we’re embarking on a Grill Fest. Anybody got any tried-and-true BBQ recipes they want to share?
9 responses to “A Man and his Barbie”
Yay! You threw a few shrimps on the barbie!
DUDE! We bounght kniives with out Christmas moolah too, strange…And we finally picked up some beer glasses (tell Snook) And I am so lovin’ that barbie. If you need help breaking it in just say the word and we will be happy to oblige…..
Ooh, grillin’ on the barbie. I’m so glad you got the billabong model.
Jeff is our resident grill-master, so I’ll let him talk recipies, but we have LOVED the Weber Big Book of Grilling, if you can find that anywhere. Everything we’ve tried in that book has come out well.
My favorite: grilled pizza. Yes, it’s like a regular pizza, but it’s cooked directly on the grill rather than baked. It’s a great entertaining trick. All you do is make your usual pizza dough, roll it out, brush with olive oil on both sides, and gently place on the grill (medium heat, I think). It grills for 10 or so minutes until the grill side is cooked. You then flip it onto a plate or cutting board, cooked side up, add your toppings (sauce, cheese, etc), then slide it back on the grill (uncooked side down). Grill until cheese melts and bottom is cooked, another 10 or so minutes. Using grilled chicken or veggies as toppings just adds to the grilled goodness.
Another different, but tasty, one is grilled stone fruit. Halve peaches or nectarines, or whatever stone fruit is in season, remove the pit, and grill until warm and marked. I sprinkle with some cinnamon and spice, and then serve alone or with ice cream.
Grill up anything, but make sure you splash a good dose of beer on it!
And don’t forget to do bacon and eggs. Nothing like a good breakfast barbie. Don’t forget the beer!
I think we may try that pizza idea tonight, Tricia! It sounds goooood. And Amy, just give us a call! Snooky’s off all week so any night you guys wanna visit, just let us know.
Update: The pizza was pretty good, though the Snook insisted on doing it *his* way instead of Tricia’s. Which basically meant that we never turned it over, so it got a little overly crispy on the bottom. But it was still edible, though, and I’m always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to ingest copious amounts of garlic and basil. 🙂
Don’t know if you saw my recent beer can chicken post: superb, if your lid is large enough to cover an upright chicken (we can get by with a small one.) We’ve been using MGD cans left over from a long-past party, but I’m sure the Snook could improve the recipe by using homebrew in a used soda can. Other faves are fish w/spice rub, pork tenderloin, and lamb.
P.S. — the key to grilling meaty fish (salmon, mahi mahi, halibut, etc) = 7 minutes skin-side up followed by 3 minutes skin-side down, medium heat. Waiting those extra 2 minutes on side #1 keeps the fish from sticking. For soft fish (sole, flounder, cod, etc) I fashion a tray out of foil to keep bits from falling through the grate.
*shudder* the sales! The only place I can stand is the mens department during the sales – less ppl! Glad to hear you had a great one Kris! happy BBQing!