I kissed a Dell dude.

I kissed a Dell dude.
My friend Liz just IMed me to say that one of our college buddies, Rob Sudduth, is starring in a new Dell commercial! She says, “Theres a guy in bed with his wife and he calls Dell to see if they’re there 24/7 like they say… and ROB answers the phone and is a Dell guy… and the other guy says “Thanksgiving? and Rob says yes, Christmas? yes sir etc…” Okay, I don’t really get the last part, but how cool is that? Rob starred in a notoriously cheesy play with me junior year called Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect in which I played his love interest and got to smooch him on stage. And now he’s moved on to Dell commercials… I think that probably vaults him to the top of the Famous People I Have Kissed List! (Number one used to be Dickie Barrett, lead singer of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones whom I pecked after a show in London.) Anyhoo, I’ve been trying to find the commercial online but Dell doesn’t seem to archive their advertising anywhere. If anybody manages to catch it on a TiVo or a computer, please let me know!

8 thoughts on “I kissed a Dell dude.”

  1. He totally, totally is. And I didn’t even mention the part about how he gave me a lap dance for my 21st birthday in London!

  2. yeah, jon ford told me about that commercial and i saw it a couple of weeks ago. good for rob! but i find the dickie barret smooch way mroe impressive 🙂

  3. Very funny commercial! I thought he was Ricky Ullman from Phil of the Future..thanks for the information

  4. I went to high school with Rob, too, and was able to snap a photo with him at our HS reunion in October 2004 – he’s just Rob Sudduth to us, right? I saw that commercial, too, but did not for a minute think it was our Rob…are you sure about this????

  5. No idea. I live in Australia so I never mentioned to see it, but that’s the word I got through our network of mutual college friends…

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