Which O.C. Character Are You?

Cousin Jenny sent me a great quiz: Which O.C. Character Are You? I came up in an exact tie between Anna and Julie Cooper. I can see that. The Snook’s was even funnier: He’s a cross between Caleb and Seth! Yeah, I can see that too. (And hey, how nice that we scored each other’s counterparts!)


4 responses to “Which O.C. Character Are You?”

  1. Apparently, I’m most like Sandy (with Caleb, Julie and Seth coming in a close 2nd, 3rd and 4th). I really don’t know what to make of that. 😐

    But yay, Season 2 starts on Tuesday, weee!

  2. (Shhh! We got tired of waiting for Channel 10 to get around to showing it so we’ve been watching downloaded episodes from the States…)

  3. (Hehe, don’t worry, I’ve been reading the TWoP recaps – I’m a spoiler whore!)

  4. Eileen

    i’m a tie between luke and jimmy. hmmm.