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Stitch and Bitch at Hart’s Pub in the Rocks. Made several new internet knitting friends!


3 responses to “S’n’B!”

  1. I love that you guys are like, “That’s me in the picture!” even though you clearly can’t see a single person thanks to the crappiness of my mobile phone camera in low-light. Oh well. 🙂

    Thanks for the link, Bronwen! I’d seen the garter belt pattern in the Knitty lingerie issue but the rest of her stuff is new to me. How gorgeous…

  2. Emilie

    hi!!!I’m in the picture! =DAnd I took the bus home with you.It was good to meet you!

  3. Bronwen Taylor

    Hey this is Bronwen (also in the picture), I’m the one with short hair who crochets. Remember the knitting site that I was raving about with all the romantic designs? Well maybe you don’t but I’ll show you anyway, the url is http://www.whiteliesdesigns.com/index.html (I’m not smart enough to turn it into a link, sorry). The religious historian I was going on about actually was called Jeffrey Burton Russell and the book I’m reading is called Mephistopheles, the devil in the modern age (or something like that).