Top 100 Singles of the Decade’s First Half

Top 100 Singles of the Decade’s First Half. Oh, good grief. I’m so out of the damn loop. I’ve only heard, like, ten of these. When did the Snook and I become so old? I used to listen to Triple J when I had a long car commute to work – which kept me relatively on the cutting edge, music-wise – but nowadays the only radio we listen to is 2WS while we’re cleaning house. We never watch live TV anymore. We float through the days listening to our mp3s and watching shows that we’ve TiVoed days before, and it just feels like there’s this massive disconnect between the stuff we experience and the stuff that’s actually happening. Does anybody else get that? (Original link courtesy of Max, who in an ideal world would be my neighbour and meet me for coffee every day so he could fill me in on what “the kids” are listening to.)


7 responses to “Top 100 Singles of the Decade’s First Half”

  1. Sara

    I haven’t heard of many of these either…and 2 Missy Elliott songs in the top 8?? Ew!

  2. Max

    I’d give you so many mix CDs, Kris! But don’t worry about feeling out of the loop when it comes to the kids–most of them listen to total crap (badly-done and super-vulgar hip-hop and angsty metal are still king in the Land of Teenagers)–and I make sure to let them know it on a regular basis. That’s a nasty loop neither one of us needs to be involved in.

  3. Marci

    Heh. I’ve heard about 80-90% of them, probably because I listened to WOXY online for the first half of the decade. Some of them I didn’t recognize at first, but when I did a search on iTunes realized that I’d heard them after all.

    I’m still in awe over my discovery of TV on the Radio, though. I think Staring at the Sun deserves to be much higher on that list, as does The Postal Service. You hear Such Great Heights everywhere these days.

    I hate lists like this. They’re so elitist. “I’m smarter than, more worldly than, and hipper than thou.”

  4. i read through the list and downloaded a few songs afterwards. i’ve been hungry for some new music recently, but unsure where to begin.

    hey – maybe we should bring back that burn baby burn thing, where we all burn cds and then swap mixes…

  5. Sara

    I would be down with “burn baby burn”!

  6. But see, that concept just gives me anxiety. Because I’m going to get awesome mixes of unheard mixes from other folks, and in return I’ll be sending out the “Greatest Hits of 1999”, which is where my musical knowledge runs out. And you’ll all say it was fine, but I’ll secretly fear that you all think I’m a big LAMER. *sigh* I worry too much, sometimes.

  7. Sara

    No worries Kris! The more pre-1999 the better, in my opinion.