Since Eileen asked, here’s the picture of Sexy Geography Teacher in all his glory. (Click for a bigger version.) Now you can see where I got the inspiration. Wouldn’t you have liked to’ve had this guy teaching you about Mercator projections?
Further construction notes: This is an actual pieced garment, not something knit in the round (as I usually do). The graph consisted of the back, the two front sections, and one sleeve. The other sleeve is blank. The design is only on the “outer” section of the garment, meaning if you lift up your arm there’s not another version of India beneath it. I can scan the graph if anybody wants to have a look at it.
Hubba hubba, I love it!
Hmm, yes, reminds me of me in my younger days.
he kinda looks like a ‘Hank’/
I would so date that guy!
Ooooo sexay!
Would I look like that if I got a sweater with, I don’t know, all of the comma rules on it? This could be a teacher’s dream garment!
I could do you one with all the punctuation on it, Max!
Heh. I like your version better.