The Death Knell for the Atkins Plan

The Death Knell for the Atkins Plan
There is a simple explanation for my lack of blogging this week: I have been shamelessly stuffing my face with beautiful, delicious carbs. Oh yes, we bought a bread machine. “Of course, we’ll just use it to make low-carb bread and pizza dough,” we rationalized. That didn’t last long. The Snook started researching recipes on the Internet, and suddenly his inner baking demon – starved for activity for nearly two years – broke free. We spent over a hundred dollars at the grocery store last night just on bread-making supplies. We got, like, five different kinds of flour (including one ten-pound bag), spices, powdered milk, nuts, fruit, sun-dried tomatoes, potato flakes, yeast, seeds, honey, butter, everything. And now we’re eating it all. We’re fat, but man, are we happy.

Bread Machine     The First Loaf

In the event you want to enable our addiction, does anybody know any can’t-miss bread machine recipes we should try? We’ll also take any technical tips you have. I made my first loaf last night from a mix, and it was also our first attempt at using the timer feature to have the bread ready just as we got out of bed in the morning. It wasn’t perfect though, mostly because the flour and water seem to have caked up overnight and hence there was a bit of lumpy, unblended flour at the bottom of the loaf. It still tasted good, but we want to work out the kinks. Anybody else experience this?


7 responses to “The Death Knell for the Atkins Plan”

  1. the timer is always too much trouble – i have never been able to work out that problem. one day when i am rich i will upgrade to one of those superduper bread machines that come with the seperate adder so that it will mix them in seperately for you.
    good recipe: make the basic bread but when the beeper thingie goes off to add “special” ingredients, add parmesan cheese and cracked pepper. yum!

  2. We’ve actually got the special version that has a “nut tray” that drops stuff in for you at the right time, so you don’t have to bother opening it up. Snookums is very excited to try it out, mostly so he can use the “YES NUTS” setting that makes him giggle so much.

    (I forgot to qualify our very conspicuous consumption here by saying that we only got this monstrosity because Snookums’s relatives got us a Myer gift card.)

  3. eileen

    pushing a YES NUTS button would definitely make me laugh as well! snort.

  4. Steph

    You could always wake up at 3am and make it by hand.

  5. i forgot to add – also add some minced garlic. and i am green that you have the special tray! (but YES NUTS… oh man!)

  6. It was really funny when we plugged it in for the first time and “NO NUTS” appeared on the little LCD readout. He was like, “Hey! The bread maker’s casting aspersions about me!”

  7. WeeB

    LOL! Nice one….