Happy birthday to me…

Happy birthday to me…
Well, it’s not exactly cake, but toasted homemade bread with Nutella and a tealight on top (served in bed) are close enough!

29 thoughts on “Happy birthday to me…”

  1. Awww, thanks guys! *sniff* My Mom just worked out how to call me internationally at work so she and Joey could sing me happy birthday! That’s the sweetest…

  2. Hey Kris

    Hope you had a fantastic birthday. Love the new hair, by the way – it really suits you!

  3. Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Birthday to our guest, Chi-Chi’s thinks you are the best OLE!
    (a little bit of midwestern cheeziness for ya)

  4. Oh my god. Chi-Chi’s used to be our family’s FAVORITE place to go for birthdays! You just gave me total nostalgia overload there.

    Thanks everybody!

  5. Happy Birthday darling….I remember flying to the hospital the day you were born with your Grandma changing clothes in the back seat.
    Love ya and miss ya

  6. Happy Birthday Kris, hope everything is going good for you and Rodd. Take care and we miss you.

  7. Happy Birthday, Kris! (It’s still the Ides of March here, so I’m not too too late).

  8. Yes! Happy Birthday! (Although I suppose your birthday is already over where you are.) I just noticed the date and thought, “Heh, ‘Beware the Ides of March.’ Hey, wait, the Ides of March is Kris’s birthday!” And here I am. Sounds like you had a good time.

  9. Summer?! Northern summer or Southern summer? Because I’m still paying off the credit card from the last trip! 🙂

  10. What?! Hey I thought you were locked into a visit the folks every summer deal! We’re not getting any younger you know……If you come first of August you can catch me in a performance of “Murder at the Vicarage”. I play the sassy and unrefined maid who is lousy at her job. Type cast. Come July 4th and tag along to Disney.

  11. No way; no contract was signed! I’ve been home probably ten times since I’ve been away, and not ONCE have the parents ever visited me! I’m gonna have to put my foot down.

    (But the show sounds great. Send us a video… Break a leg!)

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