
Since the Tapestry Craft Stitch and Bitch will be going on hiatus in a few weeks – (*cough* Winter Sale! *cough*), the girls and I have been looking for an alternative location in the neighborhood. Last night I took Amy and Miss Jane over to Red Oak to see if it was suitable. It was! We started off with some of the Framboise Froment which got everyone in a festive mood. Then DING DING DING! Unbeknownst to us, the Master Brewer was down at the Australian International Beer Awards and Red Oak had just won a medal for their Special Strong Ale. The staff brought ’round a taster for everyone in the bar! We cheered. Another full-size beer later, and another victory for the Oatmeal Stout! (That was my favorite, I think.) And lastly, just before we left, they won another one for their “Rauchbier,” this crazy ale that uses smoked barley (and really, truly tastes like it’s brewed with ham). So we ended up having quite a fun evening!


2 responses to “RedOak”

  1. (not entirely unrelated) it appears from the CouchCam that DAJ likes to ‘help’ with the knitting… I know a couple of cats who share the same interest.

  2. Yes. She jumps up on the couch and, with an extremely studied air of nonchalance, inevitably plops down right ON TOP of my knitting wool. And then she looks at me, like, “What?” Silly puss.