
As the time for the meeting drew closer tonight, I started mentally preparing myself for my first week of weight gain. I mean, it was a given. I haven’t been exercising; I haven’t been tracking my Points; and I’ve been eating my face off. (For the record, the deep-fried camembert at Una’s is the BOMB.) So anyway, there I was groaning: “You guys, seriously. I’ve gained, like, two kilos this week.” “What?” my boss Albert said. “No you haven’t. You’ve lost half a kilo.” You wanna bet? So we wagered twenty bucks on it. I headed off to the meeting feeling like it was a win-win situation.

Well, guess what? The bastard won! I lost another half kilo exactly! I was in total shock. This goes down in the books as officially the Best Sickness Ever. That brought my total loss to date up to 8.2 kilograms. That’s just over eighteen pounds in two months! How insane is that? I don’t feel that different. I mean, my pants are looser and my new pink jacket buttons nicely in the front, but I feel like eighteen pounds should be more obvious, you know?

At any rate, I’m back on track with the program now. I managed to talk the Snook into doing the City to Surf with me this year, and it’s only ten weeks away. Hopefully I’ll be closing in on my goal around then!


3 responses to “DietBlog”

  1. Congrats woman! So when are you going to sneeze into an envelope and send that Best Sickness Ever over to the States? 😉

  2. Anonymous

    I don’t know what you started at, but they say you have to lose 10% of your weight before people really start noticing.

  3. I know, Brigita! I was totally offering to cough on the other chicks at the meeting, but oddly nobody took me up on that on. 🙂

    As for Anonymous’s comment… I’ve got 1.8 to go to hit the 10% mark. (You can do the math.)