Moblog: Last ones…

Three more pics from the ABC Knit In this morning. (I still can’t believe Fiona and Amy convinced me to get out of bed at 6:30 a.m. on my day off.) The first is a completed blanket sewn together by one of the ladies sitting in our group. Second is me modelling Marlene’s fabulous purple hat. (She thought it would look great with my red hair.) And last is the immense pile of squares and completed rugs in the atrium of the ABC. According to what’s-his-name who was broadcasting live on the radio the whole time, we had over 600 knitters show up and over 42,000 squares were donated (from country areas too). At the end they introduced the little lady who started the whole Wraps with Love program and she started crying as she thanked everybody for their generosity and support. It was a nice way to start the morning.

Finished blanket

Me and the purple hat

Donated squares and wraps


3 responses to “Moblog: Last ones…”

  1. Shan

    I don’t know you, but I’ve been hanging around here for a while now.. Let me just say that you are actually looking like you’ve lost quite a bit of weight, so your Yoga instructor isnt crazy. You’re looking great!

  2. Niffler

    It’s true, Kris – you really are looking fantastic!

  3. Wow, thanks guys! I’m getting a tremendously big head about this.