Oh my God. I just saw an ad on the ABC for Operatunity Oz. They’re doing the “Opera Idol” thing here! Note to self: Ask Joseph if you can borrow his video camera, because DUDE, I am SO AUDITIONING for this! (Don’t get me wrong. I can’t sing. I just think it would be awesome to try. And maybe my enthusiasm would win them over and then they’d train me so I could! Or maybe they’d just play my video on TV and mock me. Either way, I’d be teh Famous!)
3 responses to “Operatunity Oz”
(Unrelated to the Opera posting:)
Methinks I see certain Halloween decorations on couchcam! Did we cover what you had in mind? (Too bad we didn’t know you wanted sprinkles, too. There was plenty of room in the box!)
HA! You did indeed! The stuff you guys sent was AWESOME. Seriously, way above and beyond what I expected! (My favorite are the witch’s legs.) Thank you so much. I think the decorations for the party are well and truly taken care of… 🙂
Kris, if you make that opera-video,
please put it in your weblog so we all could enjoy it.