Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation

In 1982 three twelve-year-olds saw Raiders of the Lost Ark and decided to film their own shot-by-shot remake. It took them seven years to finish. And next week, the Snook and I are going to see it in Sydney. I’ve got the theme music playing in my head already…

7 thoughts on “Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation”

  1. I just looked at the website and the Monday show is sold out, have you guys bought tix yet? I’ll ring ya later about it.

  2. … for Thursday, I should’ve said. Wasn’t sure we should. That’s pushing it for the party! But we’re gonna go anyway. I should’ve called you guys!

  3. Yay, fun! (Although if you dress as Indy and Marion for Halloween, we’re all gonna know where you got the inspiration…!)

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