Following last year’s tradition of Christmas at the Zoo, Snookums and I have just booked ourselves a holiday weekend away at the Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo. We’re going to be staying at the Zoofari Lodge and apparently we get to go on three behind-the-scenes safari tours. (Which should be fun for those of us with irrational fears of animals.) The second night we’ll be staying in a honeymoon spa squite at Cattleman’s, “the only NRMA rated four and a half star motel” in Dubbo. Should be fun! Oh, and we’re going to rent a car for the five hour drive out there. I was all excited thinking we were going to be getting into the Outback… but not so much. (As I understand it, the Outback really only begins once you get past Bourke.)
4 responses to “Christmas at the Zoo”
we may end up crossing paths in Dubbo….
Why, your plans changing?!
no, we just haven’t nailed down where we are gonna go.
The Zoofari still had openings! ROAD TRIP TO DUBBO! 🙂