Dawn at the Zoo

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They opened the zoo today so the weekend isn’t a total loss. No sign of the murderer. We’re off to see the meerkat feeding! And isn’t my hubbie rockin’ that Hawaiian shirt?


6 responses to “Dawn at the Zoo”

  1. Oi Snook – Hawaiian shirt day was *Thursday*. Actually, everyone wore their whacky shirts in the office yesterday.

    Merry Christmas you guys, don’t worry about the murderer in the zoo. Judging by the look of him, I think he was just looking for his natural habitat.

  2. Shan

    i think i see the murderer in the background!

  3. Niffler

    Merry Christmas, Kris and everyone else!!

  4. Thanks, everybody!

  5. Robert

    Merry Christmas WG, The Snook and Dr Amy Jones!

  6. Major

    Merry Christmas!