The Basement

Often when the Snook and I are in a shop, one of us will spot an item and whisper: “That’s for the Basement.” This refers to a shared dream that we have of one day owning a house with a large furnished basement, which we will decorate with all the nerdiest, coolest retro kitsch we can find. Our Basement is definitely going to have a Tiki Bar. It will have soft-focus 70’s paintings (or possibly needlepoints) of doe-eyed tropical naked women on the walls. It will have shag carpeting. Cocktails will be served in multicolored aluminum drinking cups. And in the corner will sit one of these beauties

4 thoughts on “The Basement”

  1. i like the chalet too, but there’s a place in my heart for the corona. it might have something to do with the polynesian girl on it, who in my head, matches your decor.

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