The Lost Art of Knitting Nancies

The Lost Art of Knitting Nancies. Very informative little article, that, with lots of pictures. (Incidentally, we sell “knitting nancies” in the shop but we call them “French knitters.” People used to make them out of wooden spools but you never find wooden spools anymore.)


2 responses to “The Lost Art of Knitting Nancies”

  1. BJ

    For little kids just starting off you can use a cardboard roll with 4 popsticks attached to the outside with elastic bands. Thick wool is best because as you can imagine it’s quite loose. It works really well with little fingers and it’s also quick, which suits short attention spans.

  2. Yeah, he’s got a picture of one of those at the end of the article. We’re going to do a French knitter class during the school holidays but I think we’re giving them real ones…