Angora Man Returns

The Perils of Having Co-Workers Who Read Your Weblog
I had a heart attack today when Heather, who was on duty in the knitting shop, called to ask about some yarn and went on to explain that “Angora Man’s here and he’s asking about it.” Dude, don’t use my made-up nicknames WHEN THE CUSTOMER IS IN THE STORE! (She later explained that he was on his mobile phone and didn’t hear her.) I figure it’s only a matter of time before somebody blurts out “Titsiana” next time the thief is mooching about…

I ended up chatting to Angora Man while he was out in the shop, and he recommended this website to me. Seriously. Don’t neglect to check out the pants. Two pounds of rabbit fur!


11 responses to “Angora Man Returns”

  1. oh holy hell. i just looked at that website and am rather speechless…

  2. I want the pants with waist and feet; they look like they stepped out of a Dr. Seuss book:

    I do not like these fuzzy pants
    They make me feel like I have ants

  3. They charge with static when I dance and crackle when I jump and prance

  4. Am I wrong for thinking the angora panties are cute?

  5. can we talk about this? how many rabbits does it kill to get two pounds of fur?

    (a: none)

    also, who is buried in grant’s tomb?

  6. rob


  7. I like that people at Weight Watchers were commenting on the angora pants to me tonight. (Well, just Jonathan, but it was still pretty funny.) I have shocked the world!

  8. Um, hello? Violent angora shorts???

  9. oops, i meant violet.

  10. Christine

    Angora panties? I wore a pair for a modelling shoot. They were hand made in white 100% angora and so incredibly soft, very fluffy. I was hooked and hade a few more made. I love wearing them. So soft! They match my fluffy angora sweaters. There is nothing wrong with wearing them. Each to their own.

  11. Christine

    Further to my comment about angora panties being acceptable, even desirable, I have just had 2 really fluffy angora bikinis knitted. The angora was 100% white French angora, good quality, very fluffy. I wore one at a barbeque evening I hosted for friends – a dream to wear, so incredibly soft. Most of my friends are models like me so they appreciated the individuality of a downy/fluffy bikini. Most were really jealous! Am I wrong to enjoy wearing a fluffy angora bikini or panties? I don’t think so, as I said before, each to their own and wouldn’t it be a sad world if we only wore what other people thought acceptable? Wearing the angora bikini got me noticed by a fashion outlet and as a result they are doing a photo shoot of me soon, so I am not complaining! Fluffy angora bikini? Sensuous and alluring – a “must have” and a darling thing to wear.