
After the interview I high-tailed it over to the weigh-in. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I know I went over Points at least three days last week – including one serious blowout at Tia’s birthday party – but I also did a heck of a lot of exercising to make up for it. Turns out it paid off in the end! I lost another .9kg, which brings me to 18.4kg lost in total. And I turned right around and had a minor blowout at dinner tonight… but it was so worth it. My Valentine made me homemade chocolate mousse atop a heart-shaped piece of cake, studded with rum-soaked raspberries. I guess it’s back to work tomorrow!

Related note: I’m starting to have a severe clothing problem. I have – no joke – ONE pair of pants that fit me, and even they’re a little big. I’ve been getting by cinching everything up with a belt, but that’s starting to look ridiculous. Anybody want to help me buy some new clothes?


8 responses to “DietBlog”

  1. Max

    All of your clothes being too big for you is the best “severe clothing problem” to have, in my opinion. Congrats on the amazing–and continued–progress, Kris. You’ve inspired me to kick-start my own diet/exercise program, which has been in a bit of a winter slump lately. I’ll start right after I finish my Valentine’s candy. πŸ™‚

  2. amy

    I’ll ring you tonight re the shopping thing. Maybe we can squeeze some in on Friday arvo.

  3. Definitely. I have set myself the goal of clearing out all the fat clothes and buying two pairs of non-jeans this week.

    (You guys feel like coming out tonight? We’re thinking of doing Trivia at the Nag’s…)

  4. Kathryn Elliott

    Hey there Kris, seeing you last night reminded me to have another look at your blog. Well done re the weight loss, I’ve been a bit distracted over the last few weeks (which is reflected in my weight loss), but it’s GREAT to hear you’re doing so well and definitely back on track.

    Personally I’ve noticed a huge change in my self-confidence since I’ve got rid of all my “fat” clothes and am now wearing spunky fitted clothes.

  5. man, i’m with you on the clothes thing. i’ve only lost like, 15, and my pants are dropping off because of the exercise. last week i was backstage and pulled my pants all the way off without unbuttoning them. yikes! i don’t have the scrilla for constant replacements, yet i’m always in front of people so i don’t wanna look like a little kid in adult clothes… hmm.

    what to do?

    howie, i’m assuming you are near your goal – so buy some junk, girl! you deserve to splurge, for sure.

  6. lol- congrats! The ND tank offer is still good… email me your mailing address and current size

  7. Heh. I have no idea anymore, Kristine! I really don’t. I’ll have the Snook measure me tonight and see if we can work it out.

    And Kathryn, hang in there. You don’t know how much you inspired me when you joined our group! Seeing somebody so enthusiastic and successful was just the jolt I needed. πŸ™‚

    Yeah, I’m getting closer to goal, TD. I was talking to Amy (gadgetgirl) on the phone last night and she was suggesting that I should start getting more tailored stuff, because at least then if I keep getting small I can just have them tailored a little bit smaller. Makes sense. It’s just such a leap to go from wanting to wear bag-like stuff to hide my shape to wearing stuff designed to show it off!

  8. Kathryn

    Thanks Kris, yes I am hanging in there. Am 100% sure I’ll get there and am enjoying the journey, so no stress.

    Second hand clothes shops are also a fantastic source. There’s a great one near me in Leichhardt, and apparently there are some really good ones in Surry Hills.

    And agreed it is does take a while to get used to wearing more fitted clothes, but it’s worth it