Learning How to Run. Yeah, I need to go for a run tonight. Unfortunately my birthday dinner triggered a weeklong food depression in which I’m still mired. I’ve been really tired for days – like, sleepy tired – and I’m stuffing my face with carbs. I haven’t even bothered tracking my Points. This is BAD, y’all. I know in my brain that all the rich food I had last week was the culprit, yet I’m still having trouble snapping out of this. (Needless to say, I didn’t weigh in last night.) Anybody have any words of wisdom for nipping a shame spiral in the bud? (Running link courtesy of Brigita.)
6 responses to “Learning How to Run”
Other than the run (which will make you feel tons better) maybe try replacing some of the bad carbs with some yummy, crunchy apples? We bought one of those corer/slicer gadgets last fall and increased our consumption a good 300%. So handy.
As you’ve both said, just lace up those shoes and get out there and moving. There’s nothing like a run to cure those eaten-too-much-sugar-crash-blues. (I realize how hard it is to get going, but once you’re going, you’re good).
And just like you’re having success at WW with your peer support, finding a running buddy might be a fun way to get those runs in.
Thanks for the advice, girls. I actually finally feel *awake* today, which is a big improvement. (I guess a couple of nine-hour sleeps did the trick.) And feeling awake just gives me so much more energy. I’ve already asked Albert to go on a run with me tonight, so hopefully that will blast away the remaining cobwebs.
Another factor is probably that this is the first week that really feels like Autumn here, and I always have a hard time adjusting to grey skies and rain. It’s also getting to be too dark to get up early and go for a run. So I stay snuggled in bed for an extra hour… and that leaves me groggy and hibernatey all day. I’m actually looking forward to the end of Daylight Savings so I can see some sunlight when I wake up!
I’m looking forward to Daylight Savings so that it’s a little darker in the mornings, at least for a week or so. It’s light now by ~ 6 am, so that’s when the kitties get very aggressive about wanting their breakfast NOW! 🙁 This is the one downside to longer days..
You had a birthday, of course you’re going to have fun, over-indulge and not count your points. You don’t have to be 100% true to Weight Watchers every single day of your life Kris.
I always find it useful to put a time-limit on, eg, I’m going to have fun, eat what I want, take a break until Friday, then it’s back on track. And make a plan for what you’re going to do the next day – exercise, what you’re going to eat etc, etc. Well that’s how I handle it anyway.
I know, and I don’t feel guilty at all about enjoying myself on my birthday. (That’s definitely a positive. I used to feel totally guilty about that stuff.) I feel guilty about the fact that my plan to start back up after a break didn’t really, uh, “happen.” It sorta just fell apart. So it’s not the taking a break that’s the issue; it’s the coming back afterwards. That’s why I get kinda anxious about sticking with the Program. It’s so hard for me to get started again that it’s easier to just not tempt Fate.