Knit in Public Day

Ooh, Mary-Helen just alerted me to the fact that World Wide Knit in Public day is coming up soon! Any of you Sydney knitters interested in joining me? I’m trying to think where the best place might be. We’ve done the park before… How about Darling Harbour or the Opera House? I love the shirts but I don’t know if we could get them in time…


10 responses to “Knit in Public Day”

  1. Opera House might be fun. On the steps, maybe? Or in a cafe. I’ll have to talk to our SSK meeting on Saturday. I think if you order the shirts now they will get here – it’s more than two weeks away and they say 8-10 days. I’ve ordered a couple of bags!

  2. I’m going to suggest that M-H puts herself forward as the Sydney organiser on the official page. (Or if you don’t want to do it, M-H, I’m happy to figurehead.) Then at least if somebody we don’t know sees it, they can come along. I’ve got a few other ideas to promote it – contacting some of the Sydney SnB Yahoo groups, putting up a few fliers in the shop, etc. Definitely please find out what the SSKers think for a location. I’d be there but I’ll be in Sale recovery mode and I’ve already made plans. Let me know what you think!

  3. Sounds Good- Opera Bar maybe, or the Sidewalk Cafe next door? Harbour Bridge in the background – good photo opportunity. I’ve ordered my bag and I’m going to wear Dolores Loud and Proud.

  4. I think I’m going to order a shirt. If anybody else wants to combine with me to save shipping, let me know before the end of the day!

  5. I’m too cheap to buy a shirt, but I’ll knit with you 🙂 I’m sure some of the Courthouse crowd will come along too. Somewhere with beer might tempt them….

  6. M-H is suggesting the Sidewalk Cafe near the Opera House. Sounds good to me! According to the website, it’s licensed so (overpriced) beers should be available.

    Shall we set a time, ladies? We should start publicizing this!

  7. 2pm, I reckon. Kris, I could be the official oraganiser, but I’m going to be away for a week between now and then, so maybe it should be you. Sorry – I’ll do it next year!

  8. All right. I’ve just sent the website an e-mail telling them our details: 2pm at the Sidewalk Cafe. Spread the word!

  9. amy

    Can’t. I’ll be winging it to the US on the 10th. But I’ll think of you