Well, that was disappointing. We walked over to the “Entertainment Quarter” (aka Fox Studios) today to check out the Farmer’s Market and the big Crocs Warehouse Sale. The Market was good; we got apples, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and a loaf of sourdough. The Crocs Sale… sucked. I got all excited at first by the “Everything $20” sign and started planning which colours I was going to get. I was even happier when I saw boxes of the closed-toe style, which I’d like to get for winter. But guess what? They were all kids’ sizes. The only adult size shoes they had were the flip-flops. Thongs. Not what I was looking for. Oh well. At least we had a nice long walk on a very blustery day!
4 responses to “Disappointment”
did you learn NOTHING from our last trip to a wharehouse sale at Fox? They always suck. hands down.
But the farmer’s market is worth the trip.
That does suck about the Crocs sale–although I have to say that the flip-flops might be a worthy investment for next summer…I love mine!
woops sorry about the bad warehouse sale! (not that i had anything to do with it of course, but i feel bad nonetheless)
Aw, that’s okay! I didn’t mean to guilt you, LT. It really would have been a great bargain if I were a kid or wanted thongs… 🙂