I just noticed that slashdot has finally had a facelift! This is the stuff you miss when you rely on RSS all the time. It’s very Web 2.0.
3 thoughts on “Slashdot Facelift”
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personal blog of Kris Howard
I just noticed that slashdot has finally had a facelift! This is the stuff you miss when you rely on RSS all the time. It’s very Web 2.0.
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probably what you’d expect to hear from me, but that is *waaay* nicer! Code is cleaner, pages load faster, and just looks that little bit slicker…
I find the new slashdot design is more clean than the old one.
Definitely slicker, but I almost miss the old clunky version. Or maybe I’m just being nostalgic. I remember the Snook telling me once that he used to see me reading Slashdot at work in London and that contributed to his liking me… 🙂