Friends don’t let friends…

Miss FeeFriends don’t let friends knit with Feathers
I made Miss Fee a T-shirt for her birthday. 🙂


3 responses to “Friends don’t let friends…”

  1. Christine

    Hi! We met a while back when you were working. Not that you’d remember me, but I’m Christine. Anyway since I’m here I thought I’d say hello and also tell you that my fave character from the moomins is the invisible girl and I have a piccy of her as my avatar…

  2. Bex

    OMG Kris – i saw that shirt, and wanted it so bad! I had to explain it to Sandy (the goth chick at SSK), then i realised she was knitting with feathers…. LOL

  3. Psst! Bex: Just for you. Now all you need is some iron-on paper. 🙂