Halloween is coming!

Other than missing my family, there isn’t a lot of stuff that makes me think, “Man, I really wish we lived in the US.” But you know what does? HALLOWEEN. I know, I know. You’re saying, “Kris, what about your dream of bringing this fine holiday to the Australian people? Don’t give up the dream!” And you’re right. It’s just hard! Especially when I see all the truly awesome Halloween stuff you can get in the States that simply doesn’t exist here. To whit: I-Mockery’s Ultimate Guide to the Halloween Candy of 2006. That? IS AMAZING. God, I hope Mom is sending me some of that in her care package! (Link courtesy of Bex, who probably didn’t mean to bring on such a bout of melancholy and nostalgia, but it’s cool.)


3 responses to “Halloween is coming!”

  1. amy

    did you see the ‘Fear Factor’ candy? bloody brilliant!

  2. aim

    I’ll be sure to remind mom to get you the spooky cat Peeps! You LOVE Peeps! 🙂

    Btw, I developed an insta-crush on the guy who wrote these reviews, mostly because of this:

    “You just got Boo-ed? Boo unto others? Neigh-boo-hood? I don’t know about you, but this sounds like a load of Boo-shit to me.”

    And I also agree with him on the fact that the “Count Wonkula Bloodberry Donut” might be The. Best. Halloween Candy. EVER! I have got to try that!

    My other favorites included the “Chef Ghoulicious Box Of Boogers” and the “Tremors Subterranean Sour Sand Worms.” (Tremors was SUCH a great movie. Kevin Bacon? Reba McEntire? As Gob would say…COME ON!)

  3. Bex

    Awww I didnt mean to make you melancholy I promise! And you know Aussies – any excuse for a holiday so i’m sure eventually we’ll adopt Halloween. The Goths are all for it 😉