Splayed Out

Do cats expose their stomachs to cool off from the heat? Because it’s 90 friggin’ degrees out and Dr. Amy Jones has been lying like this for twenty minutes. In fact, she’s actually gone to sleep like that. It’d be really cute, except for me worrying that she’s really hot and uncomfortable.

PS – Nice job on the weather there, Yahoo. You might want to revise the day’s predicted high.

7 thoughts on “Splayed Out”

  1. Poor Amy. Everytime I start complaining about the heat I think about how hot is must be to be in this weather wearing a FUR COAT!

  2. Don’t feel too bad for her. Our house actually stays relatively cool in the living room and bedroom, which is where she sleeps while we’re at work. It’s only the office that gets hot from the sunshine coming in the backdoor. And if we’re both in here, she likes to be in here and suffer too… 🙂

  3. Tim’s cat Franklin sleeps like that all the time–I just look at him and shout, “Franklin, don’t point that thing at me!”

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