
This morning the Snook was getting dressed for work when his mobile phone buzzed. “You’ve got a message,” I said. “Do you want me to read it?” “Sure,” he said. I clicked on it and nearly fell over. It said: “REMINDER – TAKE A POOP THURSDAY 8:30AM-11:00AM.” What in the world? “It’s a reminder,” I yelled back. “You’re supposed to take a poop!” And then I collapsed laughing. He claims that he and Hank were merely testing out whether Google Calendar’s SMS reminder service would work in Australia, and that he entered that as a joke test item. Uh-huh. “Hey, if you have to schedule your bodily functions, I don’t judge!” At any rate, it looks like the SMS service works. We haven’t determined yet whether there’s any cost associated.


4 responses to “Reminder…”

  1. Oh is that the excuse he used? mm-hmmmm…

    I think we determined that you get charged standard SMS rates by your mobile carrier.

  2. That’s a long poop.

    Speaking of which, I bought a rimmed kitty litter tray last week, and Mina has not had an accident yet. I heartily recommend it!

  3. We got Amy something like this at Kmart. The bottom bit is really deep so she can’t hang her butt out. She still refuses to go in if the “roof” is on, so we wait til she’s in there and then pop it on. She’ll get used to it.

  4. Anonymous

    hee hee hee… snook poop
    sorry.. it is late.. *looks sheepish*