Halloween Pictures

Halloween Meat CakeOur Halloween pictures are up!
What’s that? Oh yeah, it’s a Halloween Meat Cake. Pretty sweet, huh? The Snook and I just finished off the rest of the leftovers today. Apologies to the guests that I didn’t get a good picture of. I’m sure the four photobloggers in attendance will have some other good shots to share!

Update: Andrew, Morgan, Amy, and Rob have all posted their photos.


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  1. Thankyou for another wonderful Halloween! Sorry for getting drunk on the passionpop!
    Did you eat all of the meatcake?

  2. Uch, better you than me, Helen! 🙂 (That stuff was nasty!)

    And yes, the whole meat cake is now finished. We had it for lunch and dinner on Sunday. 🙂

  3. Awww it looked fantastic Kris!

  4. Ah, sorry we had to miss it. Looks like a fun time had by all.

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