Movember Mugshot

Flash animation.

Happy Movember!
As you can see from the little animation I made, the Snook has recently gone from this to this (and probably lost about a pound in the process). He’ll be growing out his mo’ all month and I figured I might as well document it. I know they’re rather stark photos, but still… Doesn’t he look about ten years younger in the clean-shaven one? (Personally, I prefer him with a bit of scruff.)

Later: Crap. I just discovered it doesn’t work in Safari. Will fix today.

Much later: It does work! I just had a bad version cached.


2 responses to “Movember Mugshot”

  1. It’s been working in safari 2.0.4 for me… cute!

  2. Hmmm. It wasn’t working for me at home this morning, but then again our connection was somewhat dodgy. Is anyone else having trouble? (It’s an embedded Flash animation.)