Last night the Snook and I joined Amy in Paddington for The Ultimate Film Trivia Night. Unbeknownst to us, practically all of the other 250 people there were from the local film and television industry. We didn’t stand a chance. Our table did manage to tie for second in a couple of rounds, but we were never seriously in the running. (The team that did win? Was led by this guy.) I did get a genuine smile and eye contact from David Stratton though, so as far as I’m concerned I’M A WINNER. Here are a few of the stumpers we had:
- Name the eight actors who starred in The Big Chill.
- Name the seven movies that Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson have been in together.
- On what exact date did the events in Picnic at Hanging Rock happen?
- Who narrated the film Mean Streets?
- What was Dorothy’s last name in The Wizard of Oz?
- Which four Alfred Hitchcock movies starred Jimmy Stewart?
- Which Shakespearean play was the film Ran based on?
- Name the three films Michael Moore made prior to Bowling for Columbine.
No cheating! I’ll give you the answers in a bit.
11 responses to “Movie Trivia”
Ran=King Lear, I think, and Dorothy is Dorothy Gale. I was a big fan of the Oz books growing up.
The Big Chill: Kevin Kline, Glenn Close, William Hurt, Jobeth Williams, Jeff Goldblum, Meg Tilly, Tom Berenger, Mary Kay Place…Kevin Costner?
Stiller-Wilson: Dodgeball, Starsky & Hutch…that’s all I can think of offhand.
Mean Streets: Harvey Keitel? Otherwise, I can only think of Rear Window for Stewart-Hitchcock, Roger & Me for Michael Moore, and have no clue about Hanging Rock.
Way to go! King Lear is right, as is Dorothy Gale. (I was surprised how many people seemed to think that one was hard. I thought everybody knew her name!) You got all 8 of the Big Chill actors. Costner doesn’t count. 🙂
Starsky & Hutch is right, but not Dodgeball. Keitel is wrong, but your other guesses are right.
I think we did DAMN good last night. We held our own with the professionals. we ROCK!
The infamous picnic at Hanging Rock was on St Valentine’s Day 1900. And Michael Moore’s 3 films before BFC were two film docos, “The Big One” and “Roger & Me” and a really strange comedy called “Canadian Bacon” (which I think is more well-known for being John Candy’s last film than anything else!)
Oh, and David Stratton acknowledging your existence? Much better than winning!
Excellent on all counts, Robert! (I guessed you would know the Picnic one.)
Oh, and David Stratton acknowledging your existence? Much better than winning!
Jimmy Stewart & Hitchcock worked on Rear Window, Rope, Vertigo, and (I think) The Man Who Knew Too Much (whatever that kidnapping movie was with Doris Day).
I’m worse at new movies- I can only think of Zoolander, Royal Tennenbaums, and Meet the Parents for Stiller and _Owen_ Wilson.
Four out of four on the Hitchcock, Parker, and all four of the Stiller/Wilson are correct!
Wow, you guys are very brave to go up against a crowd like that! Those questions had me stumped…
The sad thing is – those were the EASY questions!