More Baby Stuff

I just can’t stop. First are a bunch of accessories to go with the argyle vest: a hat, booties, and stripey socks. The hat and socks are both out of Debbie Bliss’s Baby Cashmerino 2, while the booties are from Patons’s Quick & Easy Baby Knits. (Note: I still have to thread ribbon through the eyelets on the booties. I just didn’t have any handy.)

Baby Accessories

The other thing is a fancy washcloth, knitted solely because I still had a bunch of cotton left over from the tart hat. The stitch pattern is a garter stitch basket weave with a moss stitch border. I think it’s finally time to send all this stuff off while Penn can still wear it!



2 responses to “More Baby Stuff”

  1. Rachel

    now, I know this is a l;ate response but i do recall when i visited the shop sometime around June or July last year to buy cotton for a face cloth that the , usually very friendly assistant in the shop gaffawed at me for knitting a face cloth. “Daggy” i think is the word used…. nice facecloth, Kris.

  2. Was it me? I don’t use daggy as an insult; I love daggy stuff! I am the queen of daggy. The only time I’m critical of face cloth plans is when the person is using much too expensive cotton for it. (Granted, this stuff is pretty premium, but it was leftovers.)