A Rare Win!

Yay! Guess who just won tickets to see Bill Bryson in February? Me! That’s a nice little rainbow on an otherwise stressful day… (Sale setup is progressing. I’m trying to stay calm.)


6 responses to “A Rare Win!”

  1. Did you say “sale”? As in Tapestry Craft sale?? Does it start tomorrow??!!
    (I love Bill Bryson)

  2. I’m so jealous! I hope he comes to Brisbane too.

  3. amy

    I’m jealous too! That’s going to be a lot of fun.

  4. Yep! Sale starts 9am tomorrow. I’m still at the shop…

  5. (Anybody want early access? It can be arranged… Just drop me an e-mail.)

  6. Good luck with the sale. 🙂