Casino Royale

We finally saw Casino Royale Saturday morning. (The Snook doesn’t like to watch movies when there are, you know, other people in the theater.) He was watching it with the eyes of someone who’s read all the Bond novels and seen all the films, and he seemed to enjoy it a lot. He giggled for thirty seconds after the “‘How was your lamb?’ ‘Skewered. One sympathizes.’” exchange. He was also glad that the nut-whacking scene was transferred intact from the book. Me, I mostly just thought the movie was entertaining. I was bouncing around in my seat during the first fight scene in the bathroom. And the whole construction scene chase? Was AMAZING.* The middle section was rather boring for me, especially as I got a little confused about the timeline of the poker game. (I didn’t realize it was happening over several days.) Then I had a mega-misunderstanding with the character of Felix Leiter. Somehow when I read the advance press touting Jeffrey Wright as Felix, I mixed it up in my head with Jeffrey Tambor from Arrested Development. So I spent the whole movie waiting for George Bluth to turn up. (I even vowed to send in a complaint to Hoyt’s after the movie ended, because “they’d obviously missed a reel” and that bit had been left out. A quick trip to the IMdB left me feeling sheepish.) Anyway, yeah, it was good. Except that we went so early in the morning that I didn’t bother to put my contacts in, and the strain of watching a movie in my glasses gave me a migraine and I spent the rest of the day sleeping on the couch. That wasn’t so good.

* The Snook leaned over during a lull in the chase to whisper that what the black guy was doing was an actual sport. I’m like, “HUH?” So I looked it up when I got home. Turns out that the character was played by the inventor of free running, a “physical discipline, in which participants… attempt to pass all obstacles in their path in a smooth and fluid way.” Neat!


4 responses to “Casino Royale”

  1. I loved Casino Royale! The first chase scene literally made me dizzy.
    I can’t believe you wrote a whole summary without once mentioning how SMOKING HOT Daniel Craig is, though.

  2. Dude, the Snook reads my site! 🙂

    (But yeah, I let out more than one “Phwoooar!” during the film.)

  3. yazzy

    LOL. Loved the movie too, and it helped that Daniel Craig is easy on the eyes. Hmm… yummy.

  4. Amy

    Daniel Craig made the movie for me. Where has he been hiding?

    We saw it Saturday night and while I found it enjoyable the constant product placement really bugged me.