Oh man. Could I BE anymore excited for our Astronaut Training Experience in two months? I could not. And now we can be on the lookout for crazy diaper-wearing astronauts too!
Oh man. Could I BE anymore excited for our Astronaut Training Experience in two months? I could not. And now we can be on the lookout for crazy diaper-wearing astronauts too!
3 responses to “Crazy Astronauts”
you guys just HAVE to wear diaper’s on your drive to Florida so you can make it without stopping.
damn – pls fix that extra apostrophe that got in there by total mistake before Andrew sees it!
Hahaha… We totally would, except we’re not driving anymore. With the lack of time, we’re flying. Although if we’d done the diapers, maybe we could’ve made it!
(Rodd’s joking that they’ll put us in diapers on the Kennedy Tour so we don’t have to sop for bathroom breaks.)