The comment spammers are driving me nuts today. I may have to escalate the war. Possible options include forcing you to use a Captcha (which somewhat annoys me when I have to do it on other people’s sites) or requiring commenters to formally register (which REALLY annoys me and I never do it on other people’s sites). Any other ideas? Would either of those strategies keep you from commenting here?
Afterthought: Hmm, what about putting a time limit on how often you can comment? Would, say, an enforced one-minute wait between comments suck too much? Might even cut down on some of the double posts, I guess…
10 responses to “Comment Spam”
Not much going on here today sven(random five digit number) amy’s doing the time limit (I think comments close after 30 days on her blog,) I’ve found that our unstable network connection cut down on the spam…
My thoughts, start with a time limit and if you continue to have problems, then go to a captcha (which I hate too). If it continues to get out of hand then go to registrations.
Recently, I’ve had trouble with trackbacks. A time limit has fixed most problems. captchas are just a pain.
Actually I already close old posts after two weeks, and that catches a ton of them. It’s just that now they seem to be going after the recent ones. 🙁
I might try the mandatory time limit and see how that goes.
Time limit sounds like a plan. I don’t think patience their forte.
Okay. I’ve had a talk with the Snook and it looks like a time limit is actually harder to implement than I thought. A lot of these jerks use a different IP address for every comment, so I don’t really have any way of telling that it’s the same “person” submitting the comments. So for now, I’ve got for simplified “captcha” of sorts – i.e. a really stupidly simple question that you have to answer. I know this means six extra characters typing for you guys, and I’m sorry about that. We’ll see if it cuts down on the problem…
Sorry Kris, but what orange you mean,
It’s hard to know what orange you mean.
Har har, jussi. 🙂
ooooh, colour! look who’s spelling like an Aussie/Brit!
Eh, I’ve picked it up on some words, mostly the ones I use in the shop. Because otherwise everybody gives me shit when I mess them up. 🙂