Oscar Contest

web-goddess Oscar Contest 2007Don’t forget: You’ve got less than 24 hours to put in your predictions for my 2007 Oscar Contest (if you haven’t already)! As usual, the scores will be updated as near-to-live as possible on this page. (They’re not showing it live here, so I’ll be hitting refresh on the internet all day.) I’ll also need to beg for some assistance once again. If you’re going to be watching the show, can you count the number of dead people in the tribute montage for me? Thanks…

13 thoughts on “Oscar Contest”

  1. I just picked as fast as I could; I never have any idea who might win these things (even though I live in Oscartown and have heard predictions all week!) Gonna make Dan enter too…I want a sock monkey! Oh, and p.s. I really wanted to pick Monster House for best animated feature, but we all know Cars will win. Happy Feet should get Crappiest Animated Feature of the year. That one blew!

  2. I’m getting an error when I try to hit “submit”: “Flock can’t find the server at oscarcontest.php.”
    (I know, how could I wait until the last minute to vote? I don’t care about any of the movies this year.)

  3. “Flock”? I have no idea what that is. Is it your network? Maybe my server was down for maintenance during the night or something. If worst comes to worst, e-mail me your choices and I’ll add them manually.

  4. After getting all hyped for quality movies (I saw Last King of Scotland today), I’m going to kill time before the awards by watching Reign of Fire on cable. Ahh, good times…

  5. I counted 33 in the dead people tribute montage.

    I did far better picking this year than in previous years, and “Dreamgirls” was the only nominated film I saw this year. Sad.

  6. Sorry, I got all distracted by actually watching the awards. Flock is my browser. But no worries, I would have done terribly on the picks anyway.

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