Youth was wasted on me.
So how did I spend the next-to-last weekend of my 20’s? I’m ashamed to say: sitting on my butt and knitting. Saturday morning was the Annual General Meeting of the Knitter’s Guild, and it totally just SAPPED MY WILL TO LIVE. I was surrounded by blue-haired busybodies who actually spent half an hour heatedly debating the issue of whether we should print annual copies of the Membership Directory. Seriously. (For the record, I think the whole issue would be avoided by putting it on the website, but as A) that would mean work for me and B) I don’t actually care one way or the other, I kept my mouth shut.) My Knitting Nemesis was also in fine form, dominating the debate, waving her camera around, and generally just annoying everyone who was counting down the minutes til Tea Time. Basically, that was ninety minutes of my life that I’ll never get back. (Notable exception: Fiona received her Level 1 Certificate, and a hearty congratulations to her!)
Afterwards I suffered a major allergy attack and a subsequent headache, so I decided to pike on SSK and the Mardi Gras parade (to which the fabulous Bex had invited me). I then spent most of the next 36 hours working on my argyle kitty-kat cardigan, a teaser of which you see before you. I’m supposed to enter it in the Easter Show, but it’ll never be done in time. If it turns out well though, I might write it up for Yarn. I also watched Freaky Friday and Cat People (both of which were EXCELLENT), four episodes of House, three episodes of My Name is Earl, and the Biggest Loser weigh-in. Yeah, I suck.
9 responses to “Only one left…”
Oh God… I suppose I should be grateful that some sane and reasonable people care enough about the guild to attend the AGM. But why do they feel as if the whole future of knitting in NSW depends on them and their petty rule-bound view of life?
I know how you feel re the youth thing. But hey, you are making an argyle kitty kat cardi. Please finish it for the Show!
thanks Kris – I too thought that debate was a waste of time and it felt more like 1 hour not twenty minutes – blah
you have seen Cat People before, right?
Nope! I was never a huge thriller/horror fan. Now I just record anything that looks interesting and figure I’ll get to it during my knitting… 🙂
OMG Cat People! I am a huge fan of old horror/thriller/B-graders!!
BTW the Kitty-Cardi is looking good. You’ve got me thinking i should full my finger out and finally start my akully-cardi….hmmm 😉
The Cardi is actually looking *really* good, and I’m starting to have a tiny glimmer of hope that I may get it done in time. Very tiny. I’ll need to put in some serious hours every single night. (The sucker’s in 4ply!) I’ll post another piccie tonight.
ahh i was wondering how much detail you would get with the kit-gyle… now i know…
Yeah, I’m doin’ it in Superbaby, which is why it’s growing so slowly (and why I’m still 97% sure it won’t be done in time). It’s gonna look super cute once I embroidery on their widdle faces!