MetaFilter Runs 2.0

Hooray! The next MetaFilter Runs challenge begins on the weekend. I haven’t really had much motivation to run since the last challenge ended, so this will be really good for me. Of course, seeing as how we’re going to be in Indiana for the last week of it, it’s also going to be a difficult one. “Can Kris actually work up the willpower to run on her vacation? Stay tuned…”


5 responses to “MetaFilter Runs 2.0”

  1. Jenny

    That’s right! When are you going to be in Indiana & are you swinging through Chicago? I’d like to see you! I don’t think I’ve seen you since Amy’s wedding.

  2. Dude, we’re actually looking for a place to crash for a night in Chicago! Think you can help a cousin out? 🙂

    We’ll be in Indiana from the 3rd to the 10th of April. Then we’re going to Orlando for a few days. Flying back to Chicago on Sunday the 15th. We need to stay somewhere in town that night. Then on the 16th Rodd flies out from O’Hare, and I’m going back to Indiana for a few more days. On the 19th I’m flying to LA for a few days with the Carbos before heading home.

  3. Jenny

    I’d love to lend a hand! I think I could even play chauffeur. I’ve been told I make a handy airport taxi.

  4. Fantastic! I’ll send you our flight info this weekend. I trust you’re willing to accept Tim Tams as payment for your taxi service? 🙂

  5. Jenny
