6 thoughts on “Nintendo = happy”

  1. I hear ya sister. Wiii seemed like a pretty strange name for a console when I first heard it, but it’s impossible to say without smiling. Fancy a game of online doubles? I am pretty crap – so you have a good chance of winning….

  2. I don’t think you can play versus each other online yet… but send me your Wii friend code so I can add you and see your little guys!

  3. I kinda liked the alternating dark/light (or happy/eerie) chapters of Zelda: TP. It kept either atmosphere from getting too stale. (I would elaborate, but I don’t want to give anything away. It seems way too nerdy to call “spoilers” on a video game comment.)

  4. Super Mario 2 is still my favorite gave of all time. I may get a DS just so I can play it whenever I want.

  5. My favourite games are:
    Harvest Moon – farming sim
    Mario Kart – silly racing
    I’m not really into any wii games, as of yet. 🙁

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