Countdown to the Chaser

I just volunteered to do a shift for the Countdown to the Chaser. (Dude, live knitting lessons from w-g on the Internet!) Now I just have to wait and see if they call me up. Gee, if only I knew someone – *cough, cough* – at the ABC who could put in a good word for me.

Later: Holy crap! They called me up, like, twenty minutes later. There’s an empty spot tonight from 7-8… so I’m on it. That’s right; yours truly will be chat-chat-chatting away LIVE ON THE INTERNET from 7-8pm tonight Sydney time. (The Snook’s going to attempt to record for posterity.)

Almost time: They appear to have a mobile number that you can use to ring me during the show! It’s 0424 875 224. Give me a call with questions or comments! (And compliments. I’m terrified of people ringing to say “You suck.”)



5 responses

  1. I am so there! A whole hour… you’ll need lots of knitting to flil that up. Good luck!

  2. Kris, you rock. But that guy is a dork!

  3. Love the devil hat – and the fluffie reference. Well done! Knitters of the world unite.
    (I agree about the dork)

  4. I sent a text but I don’t think you got to see it. And I thought you moblogged the photo, but it still hasn’t come up!

  5. I’m just about it put it up now, Jen… 🙂