Harry Potter

The cover art for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been revealed! I have to say, the US cover is about ten times better than the British one. The latter looks like a freakin’ Pratchett book.I suppose the only real spoiler is that Harry is wearing Slytherin’s amulet, right? I like the close-up of it on the adult cover. Very nice. But what’s up with Ron and Hermione breaking into Gringott’s with him? And Ron‘s wielding Gryffindor’s sword??


3 responses to “Harry Potter”

  1. SlythErin

    I am SO glad I’m not the only one who thinks the UK cover looks like a Discworld novel.

    That type of cover totally rocks for comedy/fantasy like Pratchett. For Harry Potter? No.

  2. Not that there’s anything wrong with Pratchett books…..
    There may be a bit of artistic licence with the covers or they may be throwing red herrings around with gay abandon.

  3. Hey, I like the Pratchett books just fine. (Or at least, the Snook likes them and I tolerate them.) They have their own wacky sensibility. I’m just not sure it’s the right vibe for the last Harry Potter. 🙂