Not a Winner

No Ribbon For Me
Hey, it looks like the Easter Show winners have been posted! And I didn’t win anything. Judging by my level of disappointment, apparently I secretly cared a lot more than I told everyone I did. 🙁

Update: Holy crap! Veronica got a first place! Way to go, Veronica! At least somebody I know won something.

7 thoughts on “Not a Winner”

  1. I’m fascinted by the number of ‘mrs’ as oppesed to ‘ms’ in the listings. Says something, I think… Julie’s Torino didn’t make it either. I wish I could get in to the show to see the ones that did win so we could compare.

  2. I just told the Nemesis. She hadn’t heard yet. Her response: “Now I’ve won a ribbon in EVERY CATEGORY!”

    I hope I at least get displayed. Or maybe they just thought I was crap all together.

  3. I agree with The Snook about being too avant garde.

    I think next year i’m going to enter something a bit out there as well :)…

    And Miss Fee – i just got that! Over 70’s heheheh

  4. I’m going just to snark on the winners 🙂 Yes, ribbon would be nice, but seeing the Boy wearing the thing will be better! But yes, I’m secretly disappointed too….

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