My sister is annoyed at having to breastfeed her son in an icky public bathroom. I can’t say I blame her. I’ve had women breastfeed in our shop before, and yeah, while it momentarily made me uncomfortable, I just figure that’s my problem and not theirs. Go public, mothers!
8 responses to “Breastfeeding”
Holey moley, I can’t believe this battle is still being fought!!! I was going public with breastfeeding over thirty years ago – we all were. Just do it, grrls! Wear clothes that you lift up, slip the baby on, and most people won’t even notice. They’ll certainly be less annoyed than if you are have a screaming baby. If people glare at you smile sweetly back at them. Or if people are staring get whoever’s with you to go over and say something like “If you took a photo you’d be able to remember it better.”
The worst story I have: I was once asked to leave a cafe when breastfeeding because the baby was consuming food not purchased on the premises. True!
I’ve already armed myself for the inevitable future nursing-in-public confrontation with the following:
“Do you eat your lunch on the toilet? Well, neither does my daughter.”
I’ve had American Mums come into the Library and ask if it is ok for them to breastfeed in the Library. I say ‘hell yeah! Feed that baby anywhere you like, the kid needs to eat, right?!?!’
I can’t belive that people get uncomfortable about feeding a baby in public. They just need to grow up and get over it.
Tell Amy and the bub they are welcome in my Library any time.
i had a baby who refused to be blanketed! i had to feed her either leaning against a bathroom wall, or in my car.
hated it!
You wear a reasonably loose shirt, cardigan, jacket whatever, over a T-shirt or a singlet (tank top). You pull the loose garment aside and the underneath one up and let the loose one flop back. Complete privacy.
‘let the loose one flop back’ that’s an image for ya….lol
NO one “has” to nurse in filthy bathroom!! If people are uncomfortable, it’s their responsibility as adults to deal with their feelings – it isn’t the job of a nursing mom to anticipate and meet the petty comfort needs of the general public.
and yeah, the tank-under-your shirt system keeps the tummy covered nicely (what more moms seem worried about than a breast showing) and people often can’t even tell you are nursing.
Wow. A breastfeeding mother got assaulted in Melbourne. That’s messed up.