Curried Mussel Soup
When I stayed with my sister in LA last month, I was very inspired by the Mom-like way she planned out the menus for the week and then did one big shop for just what she needed. I know; it’s not like this is a hugely novel idea. But we’re lazy and we never plan, and I’d always end up coming home and surfing through recipes fruitlessly while bingeing on whatever was in the fridge. And unless the Snook felt like cooking something, we’d end up eating out or having takeaway and feeling useless. Well, not any longer! I’m proud to report that we’ve instituted a new plan and managed to stick to it for over a week. I’m responsible for Monday to Thursday, and the Snook handles the weekend. Last week I made turkey stew, burritos, veal steaks and veg, and moussaka, while the Snook went with burgers, fish fillets and veg, and shepherd’s pie. Which brings it ’round to me again… and I decided to step it up a notch: Curried Mussel Soup from Ainsley Harriott. Okay, firstly I chose it because the Snook hates Ainsley. He just really gets on his nerves. And I think that’s funny. Secondly, I’m still working on my seafood phobia, and I figure that knowing how to cook it can only help. So I stopped in at the DJ’s Food Hall after work for a kilo of cleaned, de-bearded mussels. The soup itself is really easy to make and it’s super low-carb, which was a bonus. I steamed the mussels in white wine until they opened, and then drained and shelled them (reserving the liquid in the pot). The soup had lots of aromatics: shallot (I had to use red onion), fresh ginger, chili, and garlic. We had some lovely saffron from Herbies in there as well. In the end, I managed to eat about half my bowl. I’ve gotten to the point now where it isn’t the taste of the seafood I object to. I mean, this tasted good! But mentally, I still have a block when it comes to eating slippery, scary-looking sea bugs. It’s like I can feel them churning in my stomach. No matter though; the Snook was happy to polish off my share as well as his own. I figure it’s just a matter of time and repetition until I can join him.
10 responses to “Curried Mussel Soup”
yep – they look like slugs to me!
Why are you trying to adjust to seafood? Is there a particular reason you are trying to learn to eat it? I don’t eat seafood (including fish – if it came from the sea and isn’t seaweed or prawn crisps I aint eating it) and I’m just wondering why you are choosing to try and eat it.
Lots of reasons, really. I was a really picky eater as a kid and I regret that. There’s a lot of stuff I like now that I never would’ve touched back then. (I’ve wasted YEARS of potential truffle-eating!) Also, a couple years ago I read Jeffery Steingarten’s “The Man Who Ate Everything,” and he rails against people who whine about not liking certain foods. I decided I really needed to get over myself. Sydney is known world-wide for fresh seafood and people really love it, so obviously the problem is with me! I’ve decided that I have to eat something half a dozen times before I’m allowed to say I don’t like it. (And besides, the Snook likes it. I’m going to at least give it a try for his sake.)
Also – and this is probably related to reading the Steingarten book – but picky eaters really annoy the crap out of me. I love her to death, but I have a cousin in the US who doesn’t eat vegetables other than potatoes. No vegetables! Not even iceberg lettuce! I figure it’s a slippery slope, and I’d rather be on the side of the ones trying everything.
But on a related note – I hate seaweed. Can’t stand the smell of it. That’s one of the few things on my definite “No-no’s” list. 🙂
I hate any seafood other than shrimp, but that looks ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!
The first time I had mussels, Shan, they were breaded and cooked in the oven. You should try them that way – that’s what convinced me that they could be good!
Snook doesn’t like Ainsley? What *is* he like? 🙂
does he threaten Snook’s masculinity? (rolls on the floor laughing) – just joking!
I just asked him straight up. He says: “Because of the lame and annoying ‘show’ he puts on in an attempt to be funny. Wearing a silly had and pretending to be a Mexican isn’t really funny. Particularly if you’re in Mexico.”
So it doesn’t have anything to do with his cooking really. He just finds his humour annoying.
Ainsley is such a camp gay boy – i love him! Have you seen the episode when he’s cooking with the Mounties in Canada? And they’re trying to keep a straight face as he flits around… Priceless!