New Buffy

Crap! How did I miss that the latest Buffy comic’s already been out for a week? And there’s another Gunslinger as well! Looks like I’m off to the comic book store tonight…


6 responses to “New Buffy”

  1. I KNOW!! I missed #2 – they’ve just got a reprint in (phew!)

  2. I got that one in the US, thank goodness. 🙂

  3. Hmm. It was a less than satisfying experience at Kings tonight. I got my comics, but I also got some attitude from the male cashier. WHATEVER, DUDE. Just because I’m a girl and I’m buying Buffy comics and I didn’t know that they came with alternate covers doesn’t mean you have to treat me like a dumbass, okay?!

  4. Last week might as well have been declared Joss Whedon week at your friendly local comics store, what with new issues of Buffy s8, Astonishing X-Men and Runaways. (I only started reading Runaways when Joss started writing the book; I believe he’s only doing half a dozen issues, but judging by the first two he’s going to pack an awful lot of quotable fun into his run. You might enjoy taking a look at his run when it shows up in a trade paperback a few months down the line. Or hit the back issues while they’re still relatively new.)

    And for what it’s worth, I didn’t realise they’d released Buffy s8 episode 3 in an alternate cover until I looked on the shelves and did a double-take. Of course, I probably wouldn’t have got any crap from the cashier if I’d admitted my ignorance, which is the unfortunate part of the equation.

  5. I really, really liked Buffy Ep 3, by the way. I literally GASPED last night when I got to the last page and realized who Amy’s “boyfriend” was. Crazy Warren is back! And does anybody want to guess who kissed Buffy?

  6. I’m guessing that Joss won’t tell us who kissed Buffy for a little while, just because…